America’s #1 Scrubber Perfected
America’s #1 Scrubber Perfected
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Zadnja prilika da iskoristite ovu VELIKU akciju
Iskoristite 70 % popustaDrži se u ruci
Rukama držite Synoshi, a ne prljavštinu.
Vodootporna tehnologija IPX5.
Bez zapletenih žica.
Mnogostruke glave za četkanje
Za kutove i glatke površine.
Minimalan trud
Provedite manje vremena na čišćenje
Dizajn sprječava klizanje.
Hours of scrubbing are in the past. No more exhausting effort or excessive pressure—just sparkling results in minutes.
✅ Mobility issues.
✅ Rheumatism.
✅ Limited strength in arms, fingers and wrists.
✅ Back, joints, shoulder pain.
✅ Parkinson’s.
✅ Arthritis.
✅ Osteoporosis.
Synoshi čisti mjesta na kojima se bakterije razmnožavaju i šire, kao što su uglovi, odvodne kapice umivaonika i WC školjke. Ne dopustite da se kontaminacija i klice šire u vašem domu. Umjesto toga jednostavno očistite s Synoshi!
At Synoshi, our goal is to deliver your package as safely and quickly as possible. We deliver nationwide, from Bellingham, Washington to Imperial Beach, California and Madawaska, Maine to Key West, Florida – and everywhere in between. We want everyone to enjoy Synoshi's benefits.
Nehrđajući čelik
Mekane površine
Čišćenje bez napora.
Traje tek nekoliko minuta.
Samo jedan alat.
Minimalne količine neophodnih kemikalija.
Savršeni rezultati.
Jednostavno čisti kutove.
Naporno ručno ribanje.
Traje satima.
Nekoliko alata.
Neophodne su snažne kemikalije.
Uvijek vam promakne mjesto.
Skrivena mjesta ostaju prljava.
O: Synoshi je veličine 11,5 x 18 cm. Snaga mu je 10 W. Lagan je i teži samo 300 g.
O: Jest, Synoshi je vodootporan i može se upotrebljavati pod tušem ili u sudoperu. No ne smijete uređaj potpuno uroniti u vodu.
O: Synoshi se puni priključkom USB tip C.
O: Synoshi radi do 45 minuta s jednim punjenjem, pa možete očistiti čitav dom!
O: Jedan uređaj, jedan kabel za punjenje, jedan priručnik, jednu okruglu sivu četku, jednu spužvu, jedan jastučić za čišćenje i poliranje i jednu glavu za pričvršćivanje.
O: Jest. Iako Synoshi riba iznimno brzo, iznimno je tih i blago vibrira.
Više od 30.000+ zadovoljnih kupaca diljem svijeta
Minneapolis, MN
I was always embarrassed about my dirty athletic shoes but no more! Synoshi took care of them in minutes with minimal effort. I’m psyched – and proud of them now! Loving the power scrubber SO MUCH!
Columbus, OH
Synoshi’s Power Scrubber has revolutionized my cleaning routines in the bathroom. No more 3-hour bouts trying to get everything crystal clean like in the military. Done in minutes! TY!
Chicago, IL
I cringed every time the kids came in the kitchen with their muddy shoes. Found out this Power Scrubber might be a solution and jumped on it. It works so well the kids love to watch me clean the floor in no time at all, cheering me! Best decision ever!
Virginia Beach, VA
My pickup truck's gotta be clean. For my bday I got this power scrubber. So handy! I keep it stashed in the back of my truck – convenient for quick cleanups during trips and always ready for the next outdoor adventure.
At 55, I just can’t get down on my knees to clean the grungy shower tiles. I admit it was disgusting until I got the Power Scrubber. Works so well – minimal effort and my knees can handle the few minutes it takes to use it. Synoshi solved my problem!
Seattle, WA
This power scrubber has revolutionized my cleaning biz. Bathrooms used to take forever and cleaning them was joyless till now. Every nook and cranny is easily spotless, and clients always Wow! my work. Outstanding results in less time for same $.
® 2025 Synoshi Sva prava pridržana.